8 Activities To Avoid While Pregnant (And Why They Are Dangerous)

In order to have a healthy pregnancy, you can and should exercise, following your doctor’s guidelines. There are many activities that pregnant women can do, but there are some that should be avoided. Here are five of the most common.

1. Contact sports

This may seem obvious, but many women feel they can play contact sports and stay safe. But, these activities are unpredictable. Even if you ask people not to tackle you, they may forget that you are pregnant. You man also fall or run into something, which can harm both you and your baby.

2. Sports that require the use of balls

Soccer, baseball, softball, tennis, and volleyball are all examples of activities you should avoid while pregnant. Any of these can be dangerous for your baby as they require the ball to travel at high speeds.

3. Amusement park rides

You should avoid riding on rollercoasters, water slides, and other rides. The sudden movements, flips, and hard stops that these are known for can be detrimental to your baby. Try finding something else to do at your local amusement park, like playing at the arcade or trying your hand at carnival games, if they have some. These activities can be just as exciting and the fresh air will be good for you and your baby.

4. Running

If you are pregnant, avoid heavy running. If you enjoyed this form of exercise before you became pregnant, it is okay to run in moderation during the first two trimesters. After this, try speedwalking to get in your cardio. You won’t have to worry as much about falling and your knees will thank you.

5. Bicycling

As with running, it can be difficult for those who enjoyed an active lifestyle to stop doing their favorite activities. Those who enjoy bicycling may do so for the exercise or for the scenery. Either way, your risk of falling is too great to risk the baby’s health. A stationary bike may not be as fun, but it can be as healthy for you as regular biking and easier to use while pregnant.

6. Relaxing in hot tubs or saunas

Both of these can be extremely relaxing and you may enjoy socializing with friends and family while enjoying the heat. But, both hot tubs and saunas are known to cause birth defects in babies due to extreme heat. Do not go into a sauna under any circumstances. But, if you want to enjoy a hot tub, you can stick your feet in for a bit.

7. Horseback riding

Although some say that it is ok to ride horses up to a certain point during pregnancy, this activity is best avoided. Equestrians may feel this sacrifice to be too much for their lifestyle, but safety is more important than riding for both mothers and babies.

Horseback riding can be dangerous for many reasons. If you fall, you can seriously injure yourself and your unborn child. Just riding on a horse, although relaxing, can cause issues too. If you aren’t properly seated in the saddle, the motions can shake your baby.

8. Scuba diving

Unlike some activities, even if you enjoyed scuba diving before becoming pregnant, you should avoid it for the duration of your pregnancy. There is no definitive study to prove that scuba diving can harm your unborn baby, but there is evidence that does suggest it can.

It is thought that, within the first trimester, the oxygen concentration in the blood can cause developmental defects in the heart, skull, and limbs. In the third trimester, the risks are caused by the baby’s inability to filter out the nitrogen bubbles that form when ascending too quickly (decompression sickness).

Professional prenatal care in Amarillo, Texas

If you’ve recently found out that you are pregnant, congratulations! It’s important that you find a trusted doctor to help aid you through this process. They can help you understand which activities are safe to continue and which you should avoid until your bundle of joy arrives.

Contact the professionals at Women’s Healthcare Associates to schedule an appointment today by calling (806) 355-6330. We are dedicated to making you as comfortable and healthy as possible during your pregnancy.

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Women’s Healthcare Associates

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