I’m Pregnant

pregnancy amarillo

While pregnancy is an exciting time, it can also be a time of concern and uncertainty. We at Women’s Healthcare Associates are here to provide you with optimal prenatal care during this special time. Our main objective is to have a healthy mom and baby.

Please call our office to schedule a prenatal appointment at 806-355-6330 with our physicians and nurse practitioners.

At each appointment, your blood pressure, weight and urine will be checked. Occasionally, sonograms will be performed. These sonograms are generally conveniently performed by our skilled technicians on the 2nd floor of our building. An anatomy sonogram will be performed during the 2nd trimester and the baby’s internal organs will be viewed. This sonogram is usually when the gender of the baby can be revealed, if you want to know.

Our physicians deliver at both Northwest Texas Hospital and Baptist Saint Anthony’s Hospital. Attendance at either of the hospital’s childbirth classes is encouraged. You can call either hospital to find out the schedule of classes and to register.

Please notify your provider if you desire permanent sterilization (tubal ligation). In some cases, you will need to sign a consent form at least 30 days prior to your delivery.

We recommend avoiding medication as much as possible, including supplements and over the counter medications, especially during the first trimester. Please see our list of approved over the counter medications after the first trimester.

Please call the office first at 806-355-6330 if you feel you need to go to the hospital. Please call for the following symptoms:

  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Menstrual like cramps that persist despite rest and increasing fluid intake
  • Unusual pressure of pain in the bladder area or other symptoms of urinary difficulty
  • Heavy vaginal discharge or loss of clear fluid from the vagina
  • Persistent and severe headache despite Tylenol use
  • Decreased fetal movement in the third trimester

If you are past 37 weeks, common signs of labor include:

  • Consistent, strong contractions generally 5 minutes or less apart and lasting about 1 minute for 1-2 hours
  • Increased vaginal discharge with some blood or spotting in the mucous
  • Spontaneous leakage of fluid-if you are not sure if your water is broken, you can put a pad on and stay upright for 30 minutes to an hour. If the pad is wet, it may be amniotic fluid

Please call the office at 806-355-6330 with any of those symptoms.

Guidelines for a healthy pregnancy include:

  • Taking a prenatal vitamin daily that contains at least 400 mcg of folic acid
  • Staying active-walking 1 to 2 miles a day, or another form of exercise is encouraged
  • Avoiding any alcohol, cigarettes or drug use, including marijuana
  • Caffeine is okay if it is limited to 1-2 servings per day
  • Sexual intercourse is okay unless cramping or bleeding occurs, or if instructed to abstain by your provider
  • Avoiding unnecessary medications including supplements or over the counter medications. Please see our approved medication list for pregnancy.

Care Net Pregnancy Center is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to offer compassion, hope, and help to those faced with pregnancy decisions. They offer many services during pregnancy. They provide support to women and families through education and resources. Please call them at 806-354-2288 for any help you may need throughout the pregnancy. They offer free pregnancy testing and options counseling, sonograms, and information on pregnancy, adoption and abortion among many other services. Monthly childbirth classes are given, as well as parenting classes, Baby Safety classes and “Dr. Dad” classes.

They have a 24 hour helpline: 806-354-2244

The physicians, nurse practitioners and nurses at Women’s Healthcare Associates look forward to serving you during this time.

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Women’s Healthcare Associates

1301 S Coulter St # 300
Amarillo, TX 79106

Phone: (806) 355-6330

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