New Patients

Women's Health Associate's Waiting room

Women’s Healthcare Associates would like to welcome you as a new patient! We are located at 1301 Coulter, which is north of Northwest Texas Hospital. The elevators are located inside the main doors. Our offices are on the third floor. The elevator will open up into the lobby then proceed to the glassed-in reception area for check-in. Our reception area is open from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Registration papers may be downloaded (see link below) so you may fill out and bring them with you to your first office visit or if possible, you may fax your information with a copy of your insurance card to 806-351-0950. By doing this, your check-in process will be a little faster. We will also need a copy of your current insurance card and driver’s license (or other picture I.D.) All payments and co-payments are due at the time of service. Please keep in mind that processing of test results varies. The average time it takes to get all of your tests back is at least one week. Please give us at least that amount of time to report to you. Osteoscans, sonograms, and mammograms usually take the longest to get back and those vary from three to four weeks. If it has been longer than that length of time, please feel free to call.

Please try to bring a list of all your current medications with you at the time of your visit. Please let the doctor or nurse know of any medication refills (pertaining to OB/GYN) that you will need for the coming year especially those needed on an “as needed” basis. Please try to keep up with your prescriptions that you are given in the office, as replacing them is time-consuming.

We want you to feel comfortable in our office. Please know that when you call with questions, we will return those calls as quickly as possible. All calls are triaged, the most emergent calls will be answered first, so if you do not receive a phone call the same day that you called, it will probably be returned the next day. If you have any recommendations to improve the care we provide, please let us know. By working together, we can make this a positive experience. Please feel free to call if you have any questions or concerns.

NO SHOW POLICY EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2023: No shows and last-minute appointment cancellations can limit access to other patients and cause a financial hardship for our practice. PATIENTS ARRIVING MORE THAN 15 MINUTES PAST THEIR APPONITMENT TIME MAY NEED TO BE RESCHEDULED. To avoid being counted as a “no show” you must call at least 24 hours in advance to reschedule or cancel an appointment. Patients that no show for an appointment without contacting the office 24 hours in advance will be charged a No-Show Fee of $35.00. Not billable to insurance.

Click here to download the New Patient Registration Form.

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Women’s Healthcare Associates

1301 S Coulter St # 300
Amarillo, TX 79106

Phone: (806) 355-6330

Best of Amarillo 2022

© Women'Healthcare Associates 2017 - All rights reserved
Website design and marketing by Andrews & Associates