
Schedule of Tests

This lists common tests that may be ordered during the pregnancy.  This is not a comprehensive list, but describes the most commonly ordered tests.

Prenatal Panel:  This includes a blood count to check for anemia, blood type and antibody screen, tests for infectious diseases such as Hepatitis B, syphilis, HIV, a urine test and culture.  This is usually done prior to your first visit with your doctor.

Pap Smear:  This is usually obtained at your first prenatal visit if it has not been recently obtained.

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea:  cervical cultures are usually obtained at your first prenatal visit.

Your blood pressure, urine and weight will be checked at each visit.

First Trimester Screening for Down Syndrome and Trisomy 18:   This is obtained between 11 and 14 weeks. This involves measurement of the nuchal translucency, an ultrasound exam that measures the thickness at the back of the neck of the fetus, and a blood test.  This is obtained at Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center and requires a referral from our office.

Second Trimester Screening for Down Syndrome, Trisomy 18 and Neural Tube Defects:   This is obtained between 15 and 21 weeks. This involves a blood test that measures different substances.  This test tells your doctor if further testing such as amniocentesis may be needed.

Ultrasound:  This is usually ordered around 20 weeks.  A sonographic evaluation will be done which includes measurements of the baby. 

Gestational  Diabetes Screen:  This is done between 24 and 28 weeks.  A sugar-containing drink is given and blood is drawn one hour later.  Fasting is not required.  If the result is abnormal, a fasting, 3- hour test is then obtained.

Complete Blood Count: This is usually done at the same time as the gestational diabetes screen. This tests you for anemia and your platelet level.

HIV Testing: This is a requirement by the State of Texas to test all pregnant women again during the third trimester. This is usually done at the same time as the gestational diabetes screen.

Antibody Screen/Rhogam Injection:  An antibody screen is usually obtained again between 24 and 28 weeks if your blood type is Rh negative.  A Rhogam injection is then given at this time.  This is to prevent problems that can occur when the baby has a Rh positive blood type.

Group B Streptococcus Screen:  This is obtained between 35 and 37 weeks.  This uses a swab that takes samples from your vagina and anal area.  GBS can be passed to a baby during birth.  If you test positive for this, you will be given antibiotics during labor to help reduce this risk.

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Women’s Healthcare Associates

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