Do Antibiotics ACTUALLY Stop Birth Control From Working?

If you’re currently taking birth control, you’ve likely heard that antibiotics can reduce the efficacy of your medication. There is some truth to this, but there are some myths that are spread about interactions between the two that we’d like to dispel.

The myth vs. the truth

The myth that all antibiotics stop birth control from working can be harmful. The truth is that only some antibiotics interfere with the reliability of hormonal contraceptives. These include the following:

Rifamycin Antibiotics: These medicines treat bacterial infections that are uncommon like tuberculosis and H. pylori. They are known to reduce the effects of all hormonal birth control methods. This is because they cause the liver to produce enzymes that break down the hormones in birth control.

Doxycycline: This medication is typically used to treat dental infections, rosacea, and some STIs. It is also known to hinder hormonal birth control.

There are some methods of birth control that will not be affected by these medications, including the copper IUD, condoms, spermicide, and diaphragms. It is important to note that these antibiotics can still impact the effectiveness of emergency contraceptives such as Plan B.

Antibiotics that have not been shown to affect hormonal birth control

Penicillin antibiotics, like ampicillin and amoxicillin, have not shown any evidence that they affect the efficacy of hormonal birth control. This is good news because these are the most common antibiotics given to patients. Broad-spectrum options like metronidazole and ciprofloxacin are also known to be safe.

The best ways to avoid drug interactions with contraceptives

Speaking with your doctor and being aware of which medication can reduce the effects of your birth control are the best ways to prevent negative interactions. You should also use your contraceptives how they are prescribed. Here are some more medicines that can cause your birth control to work less effectively:

  • Anticonvulsants
  • HIV medications
  • Antifungal medicines
  • St. John’s Wort
  • Some supplements like garlic pills and flaxseeds

Remember: ALWAYS speak to your doctor about your medications and supplements to ensure your health and well-being.

To learn more, speak with a doctor today!

If you’d like more information about how antibiotics can stop birth control from working, schedule an appointment with one of our nurse practitioners or doctors today. We provide comprehensive women’s Healthcare Services to ensure every patient is healthy and happy! You can reach us at (806) 355-6330.

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Women’s Healthcare Associates

1301 S Coulter St # 300
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Phone: (806) 355-6330

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